Shoptimized - Complete List of Tags

A complete list of the tags and their functions inside of the Shoptimized Theme.
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 1 year ago

List of Shoptimized Tags available in Shoptimized only

(Some of the features/ functionality - HERE can be configured as per the screenshot)

Note:  Here's how to add product tag in every products: Product Input HERE - they are case-sensitive so please make sure to write them without quotes " & ' and make sure to make them exactly the same so it would work.


Sizechart Feature
Displays a size chart link on the product page. It is necessary to create a page with the sizechart first. 

Tag must match page name exactly, eg. Page: "t-shirt", tag: sizechart-t-shirt; page name: shoesfromUS, tag: sizechart-shoesfromUS.

view-size-chart required to enable sizecharts on a product page

For Full Information, please refer here:


Product Personalization FeatureDisplay personalize text (this is best used for POD) 

Tag: personalisation-child's_name-25

personalisation -> is the tag
Child's_name -> is the textbox that would appear in the product page. (Note: If want to perform a "white space" please put "underline or _")
25 -> is the maximum texts that you can input in the text box.

For Full Information, please refer here:


Product Price Checklist Area Feature: Displays bullet points under the product price on the product page. 

Tag: checklist-YOURTEXTHERE

For Example: Checklist-Ships in 1-3 Business Days

This is an option checklist that can display below the product title on any products pages, just use a variation of the tag 'Checklist-Your Message Goes here'

You can include multiple items per product if you wish, Note: You can customize your own text, but just make sure you have include "checklist-"

For Full Information of the the feature, please refer here: 


Custom Tabs Feature: Allows you to write your own product specifications just only for a specific product

Tag: custom-tabs (Enables custom tags on a per product basis)

For Full Information, please refer here:


Free Shipping:
  Displays an alternative text on ATC button. Text can be edited under:

Tag: free-shipping (once you put this tag - it would automatically change to the text you put in the textbox (please see link below)

Note: This is just for display purposes, you would have to setup from backend of Shopify -> Settings -> Shipping


Cross-Sell Pop-Up: Displays a cross-sell popup upon clicking ATC. The cross-sell items are based on up to 8 collections which can be configured under Cross-sell Pop-Up


For Full Information, please refer here:

You can check out how this functionality works on our demo site:

Upsell Pop-Up: Displays a up-sell popup upon clicking ATC. The upsell items are based on up to 4 collections which can be configured under Upsell Popup


For Full Information, please refer here: 

You can check out how this functionality works on our demo site:


Countdown TimersDisplays a fake countdown timer on the product page. Will reset on page reload. 3 styles available under Product Page - Countdown Timer. Countdown start is based on the original publish time of the product.

Tag: display-countdown (needed to display on the product) 

Note: expire-**X** If countdown timer style 1 or 2 is selected, this tag must also be used where X sets the time in hours. Eg. expire-10 for a 10 hr. timer, expire-96 for a 4 day timer.

For Full Information, please refer here: 


Scarcity Bar Feature: TO manipulate the Scarcity Bar in the Product Page

Tags Available:  show_quantity_bar, quantity-X, quantitysold-X, display-limited

 - this is needed if you want to display the feature on certain product only: 

quantity-100 - Sets the max quantity for using demo data on a per product basis, can be any number

quantitysold-50 - Sets the quantity sold on a per product basis for demo data, should be any number below the max quantity number

display-limited - Changes the quantity bar style, message will be 'Hurry only X left' rather than the standard 'X of X sold'

  * Display limited quantity message in progress bar, works with reversed progress bar (configure in product page settings)

Example input: quantity-100 && quantitysold-50 && Output: 50 of 100 Sold ( if with display-limited tag ( )

For Full Information, please refer here:  (navigate to Scarcity Bar Settings)


Shipping Tabs Feature: Displays Shipping Time and Delivery Time of the product

estimatestart-X ->Min. estimated delivery time in days for shipping tabs. 
estimateend-X  -> Max. estimated delivery time in days for shipping tabs.

Example - Input (let's say Today = Jan 1) estimatestart-2 estimateend-4 && Output: Estimated between MON Jan 3 and WED Jan 5.

X -> is the value you want to start and end with. Shipping text can be edited in Theme Settings -> Product Page - Tabs -> Shipping Tab Settings.

PS: If you wish to remove the Delivery Estimate, you can easily get rid of it in the Sections -> Product Pages (top menu) ->  Product Page - Tabs -> Show Product Delivery (uncheck)

For Full Information, please refer here: (navigate to Scarcity Bar Settings)


Product Badges:
 Displays a badge overlay on the product image. Badges can be found and changed under Product Badges and Layout Options.

badge-custom1 (you can display your own badge in here)
badge-custom2 (you can display your own badge in here)

Product Badges Positioning: Chooses the positioning of the badge. Default is top right (if no tag).


For Full information, please refer here: 


Multibuy Prompt Feature:
Displays the "X % of customers bought Y or more" above the ATC button. Must be enabled under Product Page -> Multi-Buy Prompt -> Enable

Tag: multi-buy-prompt (needed to display to the product)

For Full Information of feature, please refer here:


Total Sold Flash Feature: 

Tag: product-flash-sold (needed to display to the product)

For Full Information of feature, please refer here: (


Deal of the Day Feature:
  Display a promoted product on the home page. Only one product will be shown based on the date. Setup can be found in Theme Settings -> Deal of the Day

Tag: deal-yyyy-mm-dd

For Full Information, please refer here:


Single Tags:

In Search Result Area: hideupsell -> this hides the product from search results as well as in any page.

In Product page Tabs: no-tabs -> Hides the product page tabs (useful for single page product layouts)

In Product Page Tabs: tabs-below-atc -> Enables tag section below in Add-to-Cart Button on a per product basis

In Product Page: sticky-header-bar -> Displays the sticky header on select product pages. (Requires "Type" to be set to product tag in sticky bar settings).

In Product Page "CUSTOM LINK ON ATC BUTTON": https://STOREURL/producthere/ -> this enables to add a custom url ( to a certain/specific product so when a (ATC Button is clicked it would redirect to this certain URL) 

  * This works best for one-product store, or for Amazon, Ebay and any other major companies.

Note:  Here's how to add product tag in every products: Product Input HERE - they are case-sensitive so please make sure to write them without quotes " & ' and make sure to make them exactly the same so it would work.
TAGS: tags, product tag, product-tag, product tags, product-tags, all-tag, all tags, all tag, all-tags, list-of-tags, list of tags, shoptimized tags, shoptimized-tags , tagsall,tags all, tags product, tags-product, recommendedtags, no-tabs, no tabs, add product tags, ad product tags, CUSTOM LINK ON ATC BUTTON, custom link, amazon link, amazon, checklist, check tags, checkmark tags, checklist tags, 
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