How to Change Colors in the Theme

Changing colors in the theme.
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 8 months ago
Most common questions are two things: Where can we change this? Where can we change that?

Most of the things such as texts, border colors and background colors can be changed globally in the Theme Editor: Theme Settings -> Colors (From General Colors, Checkout button color, Homepage Sections Heading Color, Quantity Selector, Social-Proof Popup, upsell pop-up, notifications (cookie bar). footer, collections, product information popup and border colors)

Some things can be changed into their respective sections/ settings. If you are looking at Header, then there are three sections, Header Strip, Header, Header Sticky Bar and Mobile Header Bar.


  1. If you are looking at Footer part, then you can first go check out in the Theme Settings -> Colors -> Footer, then after that, you can each its respective settings: Theme Settings -> Footer
  2. You wish to change colors in Product Page Part? Visit its respective sections in the Theme Settings -> Product Page (from there, you can change product title, product price colors, atc button, sticky atc button in both desktop and mobile, and many more.
  3. You wish to change colors the bars, the button in Collection Page? Visit its respective sections in the Theme Settings -> Product Badges & Layout Settings (from here you can change its Quick Buy Buttons Colors, Save Background Color and change its positioning, layout and the product badges attached onto the product images)

If there are part that you really can't see in their respective section/ settings, then it must be based on the General Colors, but there are certain times that you just feel the need do change the Specific Color, that will only affect that SPECIFIC Part, then that is the time you would be needing a Custom Code/ Custom CSS - feel free to contact our Support Team to help you out.

IMAGES cant be translated and it is not possible to change its color via the theme settings nor the coding part

You would be needing to change entirely the image in this case. You can either get one from Google or make one on your own.

Other Useful Information:

How to Change Specific Texts - Change Specific Texts in the Theme

Different Add To Cart Options - Change the General Add to Cart Button to different styles/ layout

Variant Swatch Style Options - Learn how to change the variants swatches to different styles.

Custom Link on ATC Button - Redirect the Add to Cart Button to a Certain Link

TAGS: why i can't change color, why i can't change the color, why i can t change the color, why I can t change color, ,mobile header color, background color mobile, colors, color mobile, cart button colors, cart color, changing color, changes color, color changing, ATC QUICKYBUY BUTTON COLORS, add to cart, atc button, borders colors, border color,  General Colors, Checkout button color, Homepage Sections Heading Color, Quantity Selector, Social-Proof Popup, upsell pop-up, notifications bar, cookie bar color, cookie bar,footer, collections, product information popup and border colors, Quick Buy Buttons Colors, Save Background Color, badges color, colors change, colours, different colours, changing colours, colour, different colours, changing colour, changes colour, changes colours, background color mobile, mobile header color, color swaches, ad to cart button, add to cart button colour, cart button colors, cart color
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