How-To: Enable Paypal Sandbox Mode
Funnel Buildr now has the ability to let you test your funnels using Paypal. You have to go through the Paypal developer portal to get your sandbox API credentials. The process is as follows:
- Go to
- Create a Paypal developer account. You can use the same email address as your Paypal account.
Note: If you already have a Paypal Developer account created for the same email address as your Paypal account, you will see a Developer link at the top of the Paypal window when logged in:
You can click that to be taken to the developer portal. - Once logged in to your PP developer account, click Test and Go Live on the left sidebar:
- Click on the Get Started link in the "Know before you code" section:
- On the left sidebar, under SANDBOX click Accounts:
- Next to Sandbox Accounts: click on Create Account:
- A popup will appear asking you to choose the Account Type and Country/Region. Select the Business (Merchant Account) and click Create:
- Paypal will then create a sandbox account for you. It will look something like this:
- Click on the 3 dots on the right side under Manage Accounts for the sandbox account you just created and click on View/Edit Account:
- At the top, click on API Credentials: You will need the information from all 3 fields to put into your FB Checkout Settings later. Click Close when done.
- In the left sidebar, at the top, click on My Apps & Credentials:
- Make sure the Sandbox box is selected then click the blue Create app button:
- Enter in a name in the App Name field (we suggest Funnel Buildr to make it easy). Make sure the Sandbox Business Account is the same as the username for the API credentials you created earlier:
Click Create App. - After Paypal creates the app, you will need to note down the Client ID that shows next:
- Now that you have your Sandbox API Username, password, signature (all from steps 7-10) and Sandbox client ID (step 11-14), you can now go into the Funnel Buildr app on your store.
- Click on Settings > Checkout Settings. Here you will want to fill in the following fields:
• Paypal Sandbox API Username
• Paypal Sandbox API Password
• Paypal Sandbox API Signature
• Paypal Sandbox Reference Transactions (Enable/Disable as you wish for your testing)
• Paypal Sandbox Client ID
With the information you noted down from the previous steps. Once entered, click the blue Update button to save the changes: - To enable test mode for your funnel, go to Funnels and edit the funnel you wish to test. Once there, go to the Enable Sandbox dropdown and choose Yes:
And click the blue Save Settings button to save the changes:
- To test purchases, you can use either the default BUYER account created when you signed up for a developer account, or you can go back to step 5 and create a new buyer account. You would then use the sandbox buyer account and password when doing your checkout testing ( for more details).
- After testing, be sure to come back to your funnel and change the Enable Sandbox setting to No to accept real payments.