How to Integrate RYVIU Reviews App to Shoptimized Theme

Tutorial on RYVIU app integration
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 3 years ago

RYVIU APP Integration

From your Shopify Admin Page -> Themes -> Actions -> Edit Codes

Step 1: Sections -> product-template.liquid: Do paste the code as per the screenshot below.

                      <!-- RYVIU APP :: WIDGET-TOTAL -->
                      <div class="review-widget">
                        <ryviu-widget-total reviews_data="{{product.metafields.ryviu.product_reviews_info  | escape  }}" product_id="{{}}" handle="{{product.handle}}"></ryviu-widget-total>
                      <!-- / RYVIU APP -->
  • First: Paste the code replacing the line ( as seen on the screenshot )

Step 2: Sections -> product-grid-item.liquid && product-grid-item-new.liquid: Paste the code and replace the shopify-reviews.

        <div class="review-widget">
          <ryviu-widget-total reviews_data="{{product.metafields.ryviu.product_reviews_info  | escape  }}" product_id="{{}}" handle="{{product.handle}}"></ryviu-widget-total>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

        <div class="review-widget">
          <ryviu-widget-total reviews_data="{{product.metafields.ryviu.product_reviews_info  | escape  }}" product_id="{{}}" handle="{{product.handle}}"></ryviu-widget-total>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

Step 3: Snippets -> product-reviews-shopify.liquid: Replace it ALL with the ryviu code

The easiest way to located is to CTRL+F inside the editor then paste:
<!-- RYVIU APP :: WIDGET -->
<div class="lt-block-reviews"> 
	<ryviu-widget handle="{{product.handle}}" product_id="{{}}" title_product="{{product.title}}" image_product="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: '100x' }}"></ryviu-widget>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

Please make sure you have installed the RYVIU APP to your Store from Shopify APP Store, otherwise it would not work.

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