Currency Settings

This section allows you to set the currency settings for your store. To offer multiple currencies on your online store, you must first edit your store’s currency formatting.
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 5 months ago

This section allows you to set the currency settings for your store. To offer multiple currencies on your online store, you must first edit your store’s currency formatting.

1 The first step is to open theme settings area of your Shopify config and go to the Currency section.

Step 1 image

2 Enable currency conversion here.

Step 2 image

3 The currency selection dropdown displays in the header here.

Step 3 image

4 You can also check this option to enable the display of the full country names with ISO codes.

Step 4 image

5 Full Country Name with country ISO Code. 

Step 5 image

6 Enable the display of currency flags here.

Step 6 image

7 You can display or hide the country ISO codes with the option here.

Step 7 image

8 All prices without Currency ISO codes.

Step 8 image

9 Insert your supported currencies here separated by a space.

These are the currencies that will display in the dropdown.

Step 9 image

10 Locate the currency codes via the link here. 

Step 10 image

11 List of country ISO codes. 

Step 11 image

12 Supported currencies.

Step 12 image

13 Default Currency– Set your stores default currency here.

Step 13 image

14 The mobile currency dropdown is shown inside of the mobile menu.

Step 14 image

15 Currency conversion in mobile menu shown here,

Step 15 image

16 That's it. You're done.

Step 16 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners

Desktop Text Color – Changes the color of currency text for desktop devices.

Mobile Text Color – Changes the color of currency text for mobile devices.

Enable Currency Conversion – Toggles currency conversion on or off.

Show Currency Abbreviation – Shows currency abbreviation behind total.

Enable currency flag – Displays the flag for a visitor’s country via Geo-IP.

Format – With and without currency. Displays visitor’s country in the text. Ex: $10.00 CAD

Supported Currencies – Input the currencies you support in your shop.

Default Currency– Set your country’s default currency here.

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