Collections Page Settings

Details on all of the options that control the behaviour of collections.
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 5 months ago


Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners

Collection pages display all of the products within a collection. It gives visitors a glance of all the products you may be carrying. If you enable certain settings, you can give a greater glance, showing review ratings and product availability.

Enable Collection Title – Displays the collection title on or off.

Resize image – If your images aren’t all the same size, Enable for more uniform appearance.


Product Settings

Product Title Font Size – Changes the font size of listed products.

Product Title Font Style – Changes the font style of listed products. Lighter, Normal, Bold and Bolder.

Product Title Font Colo - Changes the color of the product titles within the collection.

Product Price Font Size – Changes the font size of the product price.

Product Price Font Style – Changes the font style of the product price. Lighter, Normal, Bold and Bolder.

Save Bar Background Color – Changes the color of the save bar overlay that appears on products inside of a collection or carousel. 

Save Bar Font Color – Changes the font color of the text on the save bar overlay that appears on products inside of a collection or carousel. 

Show Breadcrumbs – Toggles breadcrumbs on or off.

Enable Filtering by Product Tag – Toggles the product tag filter on or off.

Enable Collection Sorting – Toggles collection sorting on or off.

Enable Sidebar Filters – Enabling sidebar filters allows for more detailed product selection than sorting or tag filtering.

Products per row – Sets the maximum amount of products per row.

Products Per Row on Mobile – Sets the maximum amount of products per row on Mobile.

Product Image Height (in pixels) – Specifies the height of product images within collections.

Enable Quick View – Enables a quick buy button that gives basic product details. May increase page load time.

Product Second Image Display – Displays the second image within a product page when hovering over a product in a collection.

Product Second Image Slide Effect – Check this to create a slide effect when hovering over images in a collection. Image Fades in/out If Unchecked.

Display Product – Check it if you want to show collections products on collections listing page.

Products Per Page – Specifies the maximum amount of products shown per page.

TAGS: collection settings, collectionimage, collection images, collection grid, Collection Grid, collection image 
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