Blog Page Settings

As we’re sure you know, content is king. Utilizing your blog on Shopify is important for multiple reasons, so we’ve included blog customization to help spice up your posts and match the rest of your branding....
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 5 months ago

As we’re sure you know, content is king. Utilizing your blog on Shopify is important for multiple reasons, so we’ve included blog customization to help spice up your posts and match the rest of your branding.


1 The first step is to open the theme settings area of your Shopify theme config and go into the Blog page section.

Step 1 image

2 Now click on the Articles per page dropdown

Step 2 image

3 Now select the number of articles that you would like to show per page.

Step 3 image

4 Now click on the Articles per row dropdown.

Step 4 image

5 Now select the number of articles per row.

Step 5 image

6 The blog section shows a blog page with 3 articles per row as we selected in the pervious theme settings.

Step 6 image

7 Now click on the Blog Header dropdown

Step 7 image

8 Now select the font size for the Blog Header.

Step 8 image

9 Now click on the Article title font dropdown to pick your preferred font size.

Step 9 image

10 Now click on Article content font size dropdown. 

Step 10 image

11 Now select the font size for the article content.

Step 11 image

12 Now you can select the font size for the read more button

Step 12 image

13 Now click on the Read more button font size selector

Pick a font size for your read more button text.

Step 13 image

14 Show the tags for the article. 
Show article author name.
Enable/Disable date
Enable/Disable comment count.

Step 14 image

15 Next: 
Enable the sidebar to display it.

You can also enable the search bar by selecting 'Show search form'

Step 15 image

16 Show search bar on sidebar.

Step 16 image

17 Select this option to enable the newsletter sign up form.

Step 17 image

18 show search form on sidebar. 

Step 18 image

19 Recent articles will show on the sidebar if this option is selected.

Step 19 image

20 We have highlighted recent posts on the sidebar for you. 

Step 20 image

21 Use this option to display any page content on the sidebar.

Step 21 image

22 If enable DISQUS comments is selected then DISQUS comments box will display on the article page. 

Step 22 image

23 That's it. You're done.

Step 23 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners

Articles Per Page – Choose how many articles (blog posts) you wish to display. 36 max.

Articles Per Row – Determines how many articles are listed per row. 4 max.

Blog Header Font Size – Changes the size of the header font.

Article Title Font Size – Changes the size of the article title.

Article Content Font Size – Changes the article content font size.

Read More Button Background Color – Changes the background color of the “read more” button to match your branding.

Read More Button Text Color – Changes the background color of the “read more” button to match your branding.

Read More Button Font Size – Changes the font size of the “read more” button for contrast.

Show Breadcrumb Linksb– Shows breadcrumb links at the top of your post.


Blog Button Color:

Button Background Color

Button Background Hover Color

Button Text Color

Button Text Hover Color

Show Article Tags – Shows the article tags of your blog post underneath the post, near the footer.

Show Author – Shows the author of a particular post.

Show Date – Shows the date for your posts at the top right.

Show Comment Count – Displays the number of comments on your blog posts.


Enable Sidebar – Toggles the right sidebar on or off.

Show Search Form – Enables use of the sidebar search.

Show Newsletter Sign Up Form – Displays another way for visitors to join your email list.

Show Recent Articles – Displays recent articles you’ve posted.

Show Article Tags – Shows article tags in the sidebar.

Sidebar Content Page – Displays a content page of your choosing on the sidebar.


Enable DISQUS comments – If the default Shopify comments don’t suit your store’s appearance, we’ve now included DISQUS comments as an alternative. Just register and paste your short name in the box.

TAGS: blogpage, blog page, blogs, blog, blog settings, disqus, remove disqus, comments, comment

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