How-To: Use Shopify Discount Codes in Your Funnels

How-To: Use Shopify Discount Codes in Your Funnels
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 4 years ago

How-To: Use Shopify Discount Codes in Your Funnels

Last Update: 8/20/2020
You can now use Shopify discount codes in your funnels!  Here are some general guidelines before giving you the details:


  1. Funnel Buildr currently only supports the following discount code types:

    • Percentage
    • Fixed Amount Buy X,
    • Get Y (See Notes below)

  2. Limitations (i.e. maximum uses, specific customers, specific customer groups, limit to one use per customer, active/end dates) are *not* checked/used at this time
  3. Discount codes currently will not stack with auto-discounts (from the FB page settings menu) - we recommend using one, or the other.
  4. Due to the nature of some mail/contest apps/systems creating a large number of automated discounts, you must specify which discount code(s) are eligible to be used - this is set on each funnel.  


For Buy X, Get Y discount codes.  You need to tell your customers to add the appropriate TOTAL number to their carts in order for the discount to be valid.  Funnel Buildr will not add product/quantity to the cart. 
For example, if you create a discount code where the customer buys 3, and gets 2 free, on the product page (or in your email, ad, etc) tell the user that they need to add a quantity of at least 5 to their cart.  When they use the discount code you created, the value of qty 2 will be discounted from their order total.

Permissions Update:

If you see this screen from Shopify when going into the Funnel Buildr app, be sure to click the Update unlisted app button: 
This is due to accessing the Shopify discount code API changes.

Enable Discount Code Use:

  1. You must first Create a Shopify Discount Code (keeping in mind Limitations #1 and #2 above)
  2. Note down the code(s) you create that you wish to use in your funnel
  3. Create/Edit your funnel
  4. In the funnel settings, choose Yes from the Enable Coupon Discount dropdown:

  5. In the Coupon Codes box, enter in the coupon codes you wish to be valid for this funnel.  Hit tab between entering in each one.  Note: the coupon codes must match exactly and be valid on your store:

    In the example above, you'll see 3 coupon codes entered:

    kb-5off - If used will take $5 off the order total at checkout.
    kb-50pct - If used will take 50% the order total at checkout.
    kb-buy3get2free - If used will discount the order total by the price of the quantity free (in this example,  we are offering 2 free if the customer buys 3) - see note above (under Notes) about Buy X, Get Y discount codes.
  6. 6) Once you've entered in the valid discount codes for the funnel, click on Save Settings to save the funnel settings:

  7. 7) If you are using the default Funnel Buildr checkout for your funnel, the discount code field will already be on the checkout.  If you are using a custom Funnel Buildr checkout, edit the checkout page and be sure to add the discount code object in your checkout!  Add an object to the page, in the Forms section click to add the Coupon Code Field to your custom checkout:

  8. 8) We *highly* suggest that you fully test the discount codes for your funnels before pushing ads, sending email marketing, etc, to make sure you have everything configured properly (if you use Stripe, this is as easy as Enabling Stripe Test Mode for the funnel for testing).

Disable Discount Code Use:

  1. To disable coupon code use completely for a funnel, edit the funnel settings
  2. Change the Enable Coupon Discount dropdown from Yes to No:

  3. Click Save Settings:

Change Valid Discount Codes:

  1. Edit the funnel settings.
  2. Add/remove the coupon codes you wish to use in the Coupon Codes box:

  3. Click Save Settings:



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