How-To: HotJar Integration

How-To: HotJar Integration
Written by Jonathan Diaz
Updated 4 years ago

How-To: HotJar Integration

Funnel Buildr now has an integration to allow you to use your HotJar account with all of your Funnel Buildr pages.  It's very simple!
  1. Create/Login to your HotJar account.
  2. Click the + symbol at the top and Add New Site:         
  3. Enter in your store URL, site type, and owner.  We recommend selecting eCommerce for the site type:
  4. Under Sites & Organizations, find the site you just added and click on the Tracking Code button:                                                                   
  5. You will see a code snippet similar to the following: Note down the number after the hjid: (in the example above, 1639913) 
  6. Go to your store's admin page, click Apps, then Click on Funnel Buildr to go to the FB admin page.
  7. Click on Settings > General Settings.  Under General Settings you will see a field to enter in your Horjar ID:
  8. Enter in the number you noted at step 5 above.
  9. Click on Update at the bottom right to save the setting:           
And you're done!  When looking at the page source of ANY Funnel Buildr page that you have created, you'll see the HotJar code in the page source towards the top:
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